My Portfolio Website

Take a look at some of my projects below:

An Analysis of Eirgrid Electricity Data
wind energy, from pixabay

A small analysis project to explore the distributions of various information related to electricity use in Ireland using data from Eirgrid.

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An Alternative World Rating System for Snooker
snooker, from pixabay

A small project to create an alternative world ranking system for snooker players using data from Updates automatically daily!

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An Analysis of 2022 EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions
emissions, from pixabay

A small analysis project to explore country and sectoral breakdowns of greenhouse gas emissions in EU countries in 2022.

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How Long is An Bord Pleanála Taking to Decide Public Transport Planning Applications?
bus lane sign, from pixabay

A small project to determine how long An Bord Pleanála is taking to decide on major public transport infrastructure planning applications. Updates automatically daily!

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Determining the Golden Age of The Simpsons
homer simpson image, from pixabay

A small project to try and identify the most highly regarded period of "The Simpsons" TV show based on IMDB ratings.

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How to make a Guindex pubs map...
Ireland map image, from pixabay

A demonstration of how to make a version of the Guindex pubs map.

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Real Time Tracking of Irish Trains
train image, from pixabay

A small project to use the Irish Rail API to get and visualise real time train locations over a specified time window.

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Exploring the API - What does the world scrobble?
homer simpson image, from pixabay

A small analysis to determine the artists with the most listeners around the world using the API.

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Guindex Python Package
guindex icon

A simple python package I released that makes requests to the API of the Guindex website and returns the pubs or pints as Pandas DataFrames.

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Variation of Guinness Pint Pricing in Dublin Postal Regions (2017-18)
pub image, from pixabay

Examining the variation of Guinness pricing in different An Post administrative areas of Dublin in 2017-18 period.

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Explore Ireland Transport Emissions Decarbonisation Scenarios
highway image, from pixabay

An R Shiny project to look at how various combinations of Avoid, Shift and Improve measures including fleet electrification could contribute to Ireland's transport sector meeting its 2030 emissions target.

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Solutions to "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" Problems
Chart, from Pixabay

Solutions to the applied exercises for chapters 1 through 8 of "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" by James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani done using R and written up using R Markdown.

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Here's how I made this website...
Website design, from Pixabay

In this post I explain how I created the website using the python package django and then deployed the website.

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